Training areas
Complete training areas and individual parts of them are designed to have fully functioning water and sewage network, electrical connections, gas storage with plumbing, evaporators and road infrastructure.
Complete training areas and individual parts of them are designed to have fully functioning water and sewage network, electrical connections, gas storage with plumbing, evaporators and road infrastructure. Areas usage and training functions are controlled from the control room.
High quality design enables the areas to be built cost and time-efficiently in sections or different sized parts.
Who is it for?
Training areas are designed for all organisations that have need for training number of safety and rescue personnel. Our clients are for example emergency service colleges, maritime colleges, local fire departments, security personnel training facilities, garrisons, airlines, shipping companies, chemical
industries, and other big businesses.
No working environment or area is too difficult for us. Our varied experience enables us to function in both conditions; with extreme cold and extreme heat. The gas to fuel our simulated fires is chosen according to specific requirements the location presents for qualities and availability.
Why Interfire Products?
We have produced environmentally friendly training areas with long usage life all around the world for over 25 years. Our highly experienced personnel guarantees our client quality produce and safe training environment. The time reserved for training is always short, Interfire Products OY (Ltd) made training areas are cost effective and long living.

First large whole training area we were a part of construction is National Emergency Service Colleges training grounds in Kuopio, Finland. The training area was introduced in 1992 and is still highly regarded and internationally recognised. Interfire Products Oy (Ltd) has a remarkable role in Western Finland’s rescue and safety training areas overall designing. This training area, located in Pori (Finland), is rapidly expanding, high quality and safe training environment.